BC Wishlist/Collection Converter by ... someone :)
What does this do? Takes your bandcamp wishlist/collection page and converts it to a plaintext list of all of your albums/tracks/etc.
- Go to your BC Wishlist or Collection
- IMPORTANT: REFRESH THE Wishlist/Collection PAGE before continuing, if you switched tabs from one to the other (wishlist to collection or vice versa)...
- Scroll down and click "View all items"
- Keep scrolling until you get all the way down to the bottom of the list and it has loaded your full wishlist/collection
- press CTRL+A (Win/Linux) or CMD+A (Mac) which should highlight all the text on the page
- press CTRL+C / CMD+C to copy it
- come to this converter, click in the box and press CTRL+V / CMD+V to paste
- click "Convert Wishlist" or "Convert Collection" button
- a page should load with a mostly cleaned up version of your wishlist/collection
- disclaimer: this tool is not affiliated with BC and is not guaranteed to give perfect output - there may be problems but it should be close!